Sapore di Marocco: una vacanza al Riad Mena quando lo stile moresco incontra il design occidentale

Oggi si parte alla volta del Marocco: per scoprire una vacanza in pieno stile maghrebino voliamo a Marrakech, al Riad Mena. Il riad è intriso di tradizione costruttiva moresca, che si percepisce grazie alle numerose volte delle finestre arabesche e ai pavimenti mosaicati.

L’esterno è ricco di ombreggiati antri, ideali per leggere, e di terrazze su cui prendere il sole, il tutto abbracciato dalla rigogliosissima e incontaminata natura marocchina. Dai soffitti in legno, ridipinto oppure naturale a seconda delle stanze, pendono i tradizionali lampadari, che conferiscono all’intera abitazione quel fascino senza tempo da mille e una notte. Gli spazi sono decorati con gusto etnico, dove arazzi, tappeti e cuscini coloratissimi dominano su pareti neutre, mentre qualche pezzo di design anni ’70 come la ball chair in una camera da letto ci riporta al gusto europeo. Questi contrasti creano un ambiente tridimensionale e divertente, dove proprio tutti possono rilassarsi…persino il gatto!

Today we will take you to Morocco: to discover a maghreb-style holiday in Marrakech, at the Riad Mena. The riad is full of Moorish constructive tradition, which is perceived by the numerous Arabic windows and mosaic floors.

The exterior is full of shaded dens, ideal for reading, and terraces on which to sunbathe, all embraced by the rugged and unspoiled Moroccan nature. From the wooden ceilings, repainted or natural according to the rooms, hang the traditional chandeliers, which give the entire home that timeless charm of a thousand and one night. The spaces are decorated with ethnic taste, where colorful tapestries, carpets and colorful pillows dominate the neutral walls, while some of the 70’s design, for example the ball chair in a bedroom, brings us to European taste. These contrasts create a three-dimensional and entertaining environment where everyone can relax … even the cat!

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Today we will take you to Morocco: to discover a maghreb-style holiday in Marrakech, at the Riad Mena. The riad is full of Moorish constructive tradition, which is perceived by the numerous Arabic windows and mosaic floors.

The exterior is full of shaded dens, ideal for reading, and terraces on which to sunbathe, all embraced by the rugged and unspoiled Moroccan nature. From the wooden ceilings, repainted or natural according to the rooms, hang the traditional chandeliers, which give the entire home that timeless charm of a thousand and one night. The spaces are decorated with ethnic taste, where colorful tapestries, carpets and colorful pillows dominate the neutral walls, while some of the 70’s design, for example the ball chair in a bedroom, brings us to European taste. These contrasts create a three-dimensional and entertaining environment where everyone can relax … even the cat!

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