Un week end a Stoccolma, Miss Clara Hotel

Costruito nel 1910 come scuola, questo bel palazzo in stile Art Nouveau nel cuore di Stoccolma, è stato trasformato in un boutique Hotel dall’architetto Gert Wingårdh, che ha saputo mescolare con grande gusto le caratteristiche Art Nouveau con un raffinato stile nordico. Ci piacciono i bei pavimenti in parquet scuro e le lampade di design che rendono gli interni sofisticati ed eleganti. Un bell’indirizzo dove trascorrere una vacanza a Stoccolma.

Miss Clara, Lounge

Built in 1910 as a school, this beautiful Art Nouveau building in the heart of Stockholm has been transformed into a boutique hotel. Its architect, Gert Wingårdh, knew how to tastefully blend the features of Art Nouveau with an elegant Nordic style. We really like the beautiful dark wood floors and the design lamps that leave the interiors both sophisticated and elegant. A lovely place to spend any vacation in Stockholm!

You may also want to read this post:  Masseria Potenti, una vacanza in Puglia

miss Clara in the mood for design

Miss Clara, detail

Miss Clara, in the mood for design

miss Clara in the mood for design bedroom

miss Clara in the mood for design 3

miss Clara in the mood for design 2

miss Clara in the mood for design 1

miss Clara in the mood for design sauna

miss Clara in the mood for design facciata

Miss Clara
Sveavägen 48
111 34 Stockholm

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