Out of the Blue, Concept Store

Out of the Blue è un Concept Store di Eindhoven dallo styling industriale tipico del nord. Pareti un po’ scrostate e mobili shabby, molto bianco e colori neutri. Un fonte inesauribile di ispirazione!!!

Out of the Blue is a Concept Store in Eindhoven which follows the typical style of the industrial north. Scuffed walls and shabby furniture, stark white and neutral colors, turn into an inexhaustible source of inspiration !!! 

Out of the Blue, Concept Store

Out of the Blue, Concept Store

Out of the Blue, Concept Store

Out of the Blue, Concept Store

Out of the Blue, Concept Store

Out of the Blue, Concept Store


Out of the Blue, Concept Store

Via Fringe&doll

You may also want to read this post:  Un loft pieno di luce a Eindhoven

Photography and Styling Paulina Arcklin

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